Peeling Back the Layers

Are you being your most authentic self?  When people see you do they get every bit of you, or do you conceal parts of yourself only to be discovered at a later time?  I did this for years. I chose to only allow certain parts of my personality to be exposed, keeping my most intimate parts tucked away from prying eyes.  But years of self discovery have taught me that hiding my true self has been really bad for my mental health and that is not okay.  I have struggled for years with worrying about whether or not people liked me, but now I could care less. Now it's all about what makes me happy and keeps me well.  I just wanna make myself proud and possibly change the world.  Everyone seems to have opinions about everything and everyone these days, and I just wonder if all of these opinions even matter.  To me, not really.  I refuse to let total strangers make or break my spirit.  I wanna focus on helping people and also helping myself.  We should really focus on spreading love and kindness, not judgment and negativity.  So I challenge all of you to be who you really are, no matter how you think people are going to behave.  Nothing matters but your overall happiness.
